This game is niether a product, licensed, or endorsed by the NFL.
The Offensive player is always the player who plays a card for their opponent to match. The Defensive player is always the player who must match the card played. Once matched roles reverse ("Possession" changes). This does happen quickly.
The game is for 2 (two) players*, ages 8 and over. Each player starts with 5 (five) cards, and they are dealt face down. The rest of the cards are placed in a "Play" Pile face down. Next to the pile a space should be designated for a "Drive" Pile.
Game Play: The first player is decided by some means...coin flip or other method. This player is considered the "offensive player” to begin the game. Their opponent; the defensive player; will "KICKOFF" by dealing 5 (five) cards to each player. They will also go on "Offense" to begin the 2nd half. A half is over once all the cards in the "Play" pile have been drawn and no other plays can be made. The offensive player is the first to discard a card from their hand. The defensive player views his/her cards and tries to match the card in the Drive Pile. This is called "Defending the Play".
You have to match the exact cards thrown For instance, if the Drive Pile has a "Quick HB Pitch" green card then you have to play a "Quick HB Pitch" green card or draw from the "Play" pile and lose a turn. If the player has no matches, or is unable to make a play with a “specialty card", they must draw a card from the Play pile. This card can not be played until your next turn...if possible.
Once an offensive player has no cards remaining in their, and their opponent can neither match or use a SPECIALTY CARD, this is scored a Touchdown. Collect the pile and place to your side to track the score.
Empty Hand (Play all Cards in Hand)
The object of course is to play all the cards in your hand and score a touchdown. However, in FOOTBALL WAR this is not always so simple. When an Offensive player plays all the cards in their hand and their last card is “defended” this is a “TURNOVER on DOWNS”. They must draw five (5) cards, lose a turn and go on Defense.
If any player plays a PENALTY card as the last card in their hand, this is considered a mis-managed drive and you must draw five (5) cards. **A PENALTY card against an offensive players last card only results in them having to draw the required amount of cards, they DO NOT lose a turn. They can then play any card from their hand that they just picked up.
Besides the RUN and PASS cards, there are several other cards that help mix up the game. These are called various specialty cards. Any player may use them at anytime. Depending if you are the offensive player or the defensive player; determines if you get to play an extra card or must draw extra cards.
PENALTY CARDS – there are 5, 10, and 15-yard penalty cards. Each has it's own set amount of cards for opponent to draw from the discard pile. These can be played by either player. Possession does not change. PENALTY cards are only a “Replay of Downs”.
OFFENSE and DEFENSIVE CARDS – These cards can be used by any player at any time. You will either discard an extra card or have your opponent draw extra cards.
AUDIBLE CARDS – This is like a "Wildcard". Play this card to change the play. Call out any RUN or PASS play. Refer to the “Play Call” card if necessary.
FIELD GOAL – You may only use this card if you are on "Offense". If you play this card and your opponent can not defend it and is forced to draw a card score 3-points. If you still have cards in your when you play this card you must forfeit your cards and draw 5 (five) new ones.
Scoring: When a player has played all the cards in their hand and their opponent was forced to draw a card this is scored a Touchdown - 7 points. A FIELD GOAL card as 3-points.
After all scoring drives all players must then draw cards until they have five (5) cards in their hand. The scoring players opponent will then begin the next series on offense.
Safety: Yes, you can score a SAFETY in FOOTBALL WAR. How? This involves the exchange of four (4) AUDIBLE cards, two (2) by each player. It begins with the Offensive player playing an AUDIBLE card from their hand. Then their opponent follows with their own AUDIBLE card. Then the Offensive player again with a third (3) AUDIBLE card, and again followed by their opponent with the fourth (4) AUDIBLE card. If the opponent can not match the play called then score a SAFETY - 2 points.
Other Rules:
Delay of Game: If your sifts through the Drive pile this is a Delay of Game and they must draw a card from the Play pile and add it to their hand. Also, if your opponent takes a phone call or replies to a text message during game play, this is a Delay of Game and they must draw a card.
TimeOUT: Each player is allowed one timeout per half. When a time out is called only the player who called the timeout may chose ONE card from their hand and bury in the Play pile then they must draw another card from the top and add it to their hand.
Turnover on Downs: This happens when; as the offensive player; you play your last card and it is defended by your opponent. You must draw five (5) new cards from the Play pile and your opponent takes over on offense.
Alternative Gameplay:
Four Player Rules
For four players, there is a slight change of rules:
PENALTY cards works like Skip. First the player must draw the amount of cards shown then move to the next player.
TURNOVER cards work like a Reverse. Play continues in the opposite direction.